Fort Collins Activist Conference 2003 Workshops/Talleres
Rooms to be Announced

Produce solidarity with respectful disagreement

Get to know what Fort Colins activist groups are doing

Explore ways to work together

Build personal connections


Electoral Politics as a Means of Progressive Change / Politica de Elecciones para Crear Cambio Progresista
Panel speakers champion a range of voting tactics including traditional party politics, independent party politics, and rejection of voting and party politics. Come agree and disagree!

Un panel presentara las varias tacticas para usar el voto electoral: los partidos politicos tradicionales del EEUU, los partidos politicos independientes, y el rechaso de los partidos y del acto de votar. Venga para estar de acuerdo o en desacuerdo.

Cada voz cuenta: democracia verdadera usando el Consenso / Every Voice Counts: Real Democracy using Consensus
Presented by Don Flick -- Why consensus? (How) Does it work? Is voting the "tyranny of the majority"? Does "blocking" make consensus the "tyranny of the few"?

Presentado por Don Flick -- Por que el Consenso? ?(Como) Funciona? Votar sera igual a la "tirania de la mayoria?" Bloquear sera igual a la "tirania de la minoria?"

Segregationist Appearances among the Activists
A Talking Circle (smudging the circle down with sage and then using an Eagle Feather for the dialogue) about what the dynamics may be that keep activist groups "racially segregated" except in the face a major crisis; even than, the "solidarity" feels strained at best. Christinia's workshop helps explore the multitudinous reasons for segregation.

Un Talking Circle/Circulo del Hablar (se quema salvia para purificar el circulo, y se pasa una pluma para organizar el dialogo) sobre las dinamicas que causan y mantienen a los grupos activistas racialmente segregados, almenos cuando hay un gran crisis. Y porque hasta en alquel entonces la "solidaridad" se siente forzada. Este taller de Christinia ayudara explorar las varias razones por la segregacion.


Taller interactivo sobre el Arte y moviementos para el Cambio Social / Interactive Workshop on Art and Movements for Social Change
Chris Bates -- Una disucion sobre la importancia del arte para crear un mundo diferente. Tambien habra una seccion interactiva para crear arte y explorar como la creatividad espontanea puede ser una manifestacion colectiva de realidades nuevas.

A talk and discussion on the importance of art in creating a different world. As well as an interactive art making session exploring spontaneous creation as a way of collectively manifesting new realities.

Si se puede: Immigrant activism after 9-11
Una platica sobre las realidades de ser inmigrante en Fort Collins, y informacion para combatir los mitos y estereotipos equivocados. Habra tambien una discucion sobre leyes que afectan a la poblacion inmigrante.

Fuerza Latina presents a glimpse at what life as an immigrant is really about by trying to break down some of the myths and stereotypes that people have towards immigrants. Also, there will be information and discussion about laws that are and will be affecting immigrants.

Cultural Creatives
Catherine Workman presente el trabajo de Paul Ray sobre "el Nuevo Compas Politico". El compas demuestra que los "cultural creatives" (osea votantes progresistas y gente quienes viven sus valores espirituales, sociales, ambientales y quienes creen que hay que recrear nuestras instituciones para superar como una cultura) actualmente son la mayoria de los votantes, solo que estan fracturados. Catherine trabaja para mejorar el conocimiento, cancelar el aislamiento, educar sobre la manipulacion de los medios tradicionales, y proveer las heramientas para exitos en el futuro.

Catherine Workman presents Paul Ray's research on the "New Political Compass". The compass shows that Cultural Creatives or Progressive voters (people who are living their environmental, spiritual and social values and believe we need to reinvent our institutions to flourish as a culture) are actually the majority of voters, but they're fractured or don't vote so they don't win, but awareness can change that. Catherine focuses on building awareness, banning isolation, educating about the manipulation of mainstream media and providing tools for future success.
