Fort Collins Activist Conference 2003
Conferencia del Activismo de Fort Collins

Produce solidarity with respectful disagreement

Get to know what Fort Colins activist groups are doing

Explore ways to work together

Build personal connections

Committed to Change?

Come to the Fort Collins Activst Conference and Get to Know what local organizations are doing, Build Solidarity and Personal Connections with other Fort Collins activists, find ways to Work Together through a day of Workshops and Panel Discussions.

When: Saturday October 25, 2003 9:00AM-5:30PM
Where: Foothills Unitiarian Universalist Church,
1825 Yorktown (near Drake and Taft Hill).
Admission: $ Free
Childcare: $ Free
Lunch and Morning Snack: $ Free (you can help by bringing your own dishes)

Contact if ASL translation is needed or you want to help with Spanish translation.

For more information or to get involved, check out, e-mail, or telephone (970) 215-5715.

Sponsored By: the Center for Justice, Peace, and the Environment, Foothills Young Religious Unitarian Universalists, and a conference affinity group affiliated with the UpRoot Spokescouncil.

?Dedicada al Cambio?

Venga para Informarse sobre lo que hacen organizaciones locales, desarollar Solidaridad, armar Conexiones Personales con otros activistas, y Encontrar maneras para Trabajar Juntas. Sera un dia de Paneles y Talleres.

Cuando: Sabado 25 de Octubre, 2003 9:00am hasta 5:30
Donde: Iglesia Unitarian Universalist 1825 Yorktown (cerca de Drake y Taft Hill)

  • Gratis
  • Habra comida (favor traer su propio plato)
  • Habra traductores
  • Habra guarderia

Para mas informacion, email o llame 416-9212 (Espanol), 215-5715 (Ingles)

Patrocinado por Centro de Justicia, Paz, y Medioambiente, y Foothills Jovenes Unitarian Universalist Religiosos, y el colectivo Boron



  • A small, working personal FM radio with headphones (to loan or listen to Spanish translation).
  • Your own dishes for lunch (nice, not required)
  • Passion and an open mind