housing - get on this right away!
call the housing line. a number or email will be on the website for the action
maps from home to protest town
street maps of protest town
street addresses of housing, convergence center, major actions
public transport maps for protest town
arrange transportation
be sure all paperwork for vehicles and drivers is in order
fix taillights and other minor things to make sure car is legal.
if you are using borrowed vehicles, bring a letter stating you have permission to use and authority to get car released from impound.
what are you going to say if media put a mic in your face? (they will. be ready.)
what is the main message of your group?
what is your personal media mantra?
bring your eyeglasses. contacts BAD. more medical info
arrange for legal support (see legal)
figure out if the people in your car(avan) intend to be an affinity group. this means at minimum figuring out if people are willing to:
keep the group informed about their whereabouts
use a buddy system
be accountable to the group
it also might mean:
planning action(s) together (print and photocopy the action planning guide. you may do more than one action, so make several copies)
staying together in the street
although it is hard for people to make decisions about these in advance, it's good to have some conversations about the following things, so folks can gravitate toward buddies and small groups with affinities:
interest in getting arrested (in case you're not planning to, read "so you're not planning to get arrested...")
problems with arrest (on probation, warrant, minor, need daily medication, will get fired if not home by tuesday...)
desired level of risk
appoint essential roles each day:
local legal support person (staying green!)
media liaison (for each group that will be together in the street)
meeting wrangler (to make sure that people know about and get to meetings and that the meetings get started!)