in order to make your trip effective, a number of activities and tasks need to be done at home. these activities are opportunities for activists not going on the trip to have important roles. as you plan each of these activities, think about inviting folks to help out and how these different tasks could help them be involved even though they need to be at home with children, who can't get off from work, elders, people who are injured or ill... these people may have just the kind of time and resources to do important at home tasks, such as telephoning, media analysis & outreach, research, etc.
everyone involved and concerned about the issues can take an active role in community outreach before, during, and after the big action. make some fliers early on which talk about the issues, the trip, and how to get information on the upcoming teach-in and fundraising events. have lots of copies at meetings, infoshops, and other locations that activists frequent. if everyone carries a small stack of fliers with them for a few weeks they'll have a way to get the word out and give people the info they need to follow up and stay involved. encourage everyone to think about going on the trip and that there will be lots of support for them if they want to go.
there are three main activities that folks at home should be working on while other folks are traveling to the mass action:
1. support work
3. planning the community report-back
jail solidarity: activists at home should be ready to make calls to jails, mayors, and police departments to complain about arrests and police brutality and to demand release of all protesters without charges. usually, these phone numbers are on the imc site set up for the mass action.
at-home media team:
media work needs to be done before, during, and after the
trip. see the media section. but it's
important to keep in mind the special roles for folks at home
during the action. that at-home legal team has several key
advertising the community report-back: the community report-back should be planned and advertised while the travelers are still out of town! that means folks at home need to get a venue and start advertising right away.
one of the forms that growing international solidarity takes is the simultaneous, coordinated manifestation of our resistance. it's great to do a local action simultaneous with the faraway day of action. try using the action planning sheet.